Fall 2020: 
Anyone can join the soccer block during the fall. However, we will have tryouts during the first 5 school days because we will need to cap the class at around 60-65 players. Players will be evaluated during these 5 school days (fitness tests, technical skills, tactical decisions). Those players that make the cut will stay in the block. Those that don't make the cut at this point will be moved into another class by the end of the first full week of school, and then will be allowed to tryout after Thanksgiving break (Nov 30 - Dec 2). All players will need to double-block soccer unless they are given permission to single-block for special circumstances by Coach Salerno. 
Spring 2021: 
All players that make one of the three teams will be double-blocked into soccer for the spring semester. 
Please contact Coach Salerno if you have any questions.