Q&A with Westwood superstar Priya Gangadharan

Q&A with Westwood superstar Priya Gangadharan


What sports do you play for Westwood ?

Women’s Cross Country/ Track & Field

What is your best memory you have had playing for the Warriors?

Post race barbecue restaurants in the middle of nowhere with the team.

What is the best thing about being a Warrior Athlete?

I get to hang around some of the most dedicated, hard working, and compassionate people I know

What is your favorite thing about Westwood High School?

They offer a variety of classes, clubs, and electives so you really get to explore and experiment with whatever interests you the most.

What is your favorite class and teacher at Westwood?

Currently my favorite class is AP Lit with Mr. Chalk. It’s not that English is my favorite subject or anything but Mr. Chalk really puts himself in the perspective of the students so the classes are always engaging and fun. We draw, stand up, move around, play games, and talk so you really can't have a boring class. You end up learning more then what you would have with a regular lecture and his way of teaching always makes you want to learn more.

What teams do you root for outside of the Warriors?

Growing up in Massachuesetts, definitely Celtics, Patriots, and Redsox! 

What is the best advice someone has given you?

Do not let the mistakes you make define you.

What advice would you give to someone that wants to be a Warrior Athlete?

Build trust and make connections with your team and coaches. Even if you love the sport, the people you surround yourself with are the heart of it all. Also make sure you balance your academic and athletic life!!! I cannot stress how important it is for you to manage your time wisely and find time for yourself! It’s okay to make sacrifices just don’t prioritize one thing too much over the other.